Well once again, filtering all the rubbish in the comments here
TJS put a gem out there! Once again a direct quote:
****For everyone:
My understanding ( which could be a bit off) regarding how the status changes goes like this.
–No paperwork scanned:
Under Assessment & Not Processed
–Paperwork scanned without transcripts:
SG -Unqualified
MR -Specific requirements not fulfilled
Requirements not fulfilled.:
Requirements in English and/or academic under graduate level are not yet recognised.
–Everything scanned in and sent to universities:
SG - “-”
MR - Application in process
Also if you get this:
SG- Unqualified
MR- Exception
You’re under special review for special circumstances….which in my case being in my final semester of study w/o bachelors degree at the time of assessment.
As the man says it is not a 100% fact just educated guesswork, but that sound about right, to me anyway.
And it looks like some people are starting to get rejection letters, based on the documents they've sent.
P.S. I do hope you resolve your issue with them, don't just give up without trying, that's too easy.
Currently Listening to Athlete - Wires - Tourist